Stay Current with Ban-the-Box Laws

When it comes to laws affecting employment screening in the USA there is none more prevalent than Ban-the-Box laws.  Ban-the-Box laws were designed and implemented to assist the class of citizens in this country with a previous criminal record to get a better chance of being hired.  By eliminating the question of “criminal history” from the job application form it is felt ex-offenders with criminal records will get a better chance at gainful employment.

It is very important that employers across the country pay attention to these ban-the-box laws that have been previously enacted and any new ones coming into law now and in the near future.  If an employer is in a jurisdiction, city, county or State with such laws in place then they have to obey them which means they will most likely have to update their employment screening policies and procedures.  It is not just about removing the question of criminal history on the job application, it is also about when and why employers can legally perform criminal background checks on their applicants.

The ban-the-box movement is still very alive and active in the USA.  It is now incumbent on employers in this country to not only pay attention to these laws but to also make the necessary changes to their pre-employment background screening processes in order for their hiring practices to remain or become legally compliant.  It has become clear all across the country and through such laws that the act of discrimination in the hiring process and discrimination in the housing industry will no longer be tolerated.

From the National Law Review’s webpage (Jun 08, 18)

“Ban the Box” laws prohibit or limit an employer’s ability to ask a job applicant about his or her criminal record. States, counties and cities have enacted this legislation to help applicants with criminal records combat additional barriers to securing employment.

As of this publication date all across the country a large number of states and cities have already enacted some manner of ban-the-box legislation.

With this kind of constant change in law it is very wise and a best practice for employers all across the country to partner with a professional employment background screening company to help them remain compliant in all aspects of the hiring process.

To read more about this subject read the recent press release: Stay Current with Ban-the-Box Laws

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