Tag Archives: Criminal Background Check

Interact with staff, background industry experts and more through our new BLOG!

With this new Blog, end users of criminal reports, industry people, and information technology persons can all converge on one front to address their questions, concerns and ideas.  The word “blog” is just a shortened word for “web log” that has gained in popularity and now is considered a word of its own with its own meaning.  Blogs have become increasingly popular on the Internet and have allowed people who are far away from each other to come together on a website they share a mutual interest in.  Sharing ideas, commentary, news and concerns regarding the background retrieval industry (with people all across the USA) is now possible and very easy to do.  So please visit us at blog.CriminalBackgroundRecords.com and start voicing your opinion today.

Blogs are found on many websites and are usually maintained by an individual, company or organization that adds regular ongoing entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other information for others to read.  CriminalBackgroundRecords.com’s new interactive Blog now allows browsers and users to ask questions like, “What happens when someone goes to court for a proposed crime?” or “what is the difference between a felony, misdemeanor or infraction offense?”  With the new fully functioning blog, people can educate each other as to what a felony, misdemeanor, and infraction are, as well as how certain sentencing works in the USA.

This online blog is for everyone from criminal history searching experts to someone wanting clarification on their own criminal record.  Now there is a platform and place to voice criminal background industry questions.  A place to find out what exactly makes up a criminal conviction record to why a criminal record can be different than an arrest record.  It is a free place to learn, question, and confront common truths and misconceptions pertaining to the criminal background retrieval industry.  Get educated on police policies, US court system operations, US department of corrections and US law.

The USA is comprised of 50 individual states representing 3,143 counties.  At CriminalBackgroundRecords.com you can conduct a county criminal background check in any county in the USA.  You can also conduct a criminal background check at the state level in 48 states.  National criminal checks are also available and include additional free searches like a national sex offender check and terrorist list search.

Below is a breakdown of the major criminal background checks available in the USA
(all of which can be searched at CriminalBackgroundRecords.com)

County Criminal Background Check:
A county search is the most current, accurate and complete search available in the US today.  However, you need to know the state and county you want to perform this search in; otherwise it will not be effective.  This search entails having a professional court researcher manually pull the complete record in question for you.  It typically takes a day or more for your search results to come in.  County criminal background checks go back seven years and include felony and misdemeanor conviction records.

Statewide Criminal Background Check:
The statewide criminal background search is the most popular criminal background check used today in the USA.  Statewide criminal checks are available in forty-eight states.  This search includes all commonly looked for information including department of corrections info, bodily characteristics, sentence info, case number and court records (including felony convictions and misdemeanor offenses).

CriminalBackgroundRecords.com online statewide criminal searches include a free national sex offender report, free terrorist database criminal background check, and a free US most wanted criminal database search.

Multi-State Criminal Background Check:
Multi-State criminal searches can cover two or more full states and usually include additional free searches like a sex offender registry check, the terrorist database search (which is maintained by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), and lists such international terrorists sometimes called Specially Designated Nationals or SDNs), and a free criminal check of the US Most Wanted list including FBI, Secret Service and Americas most wanted criminals.

National Criminal Background Check:
CriminalBackgroundRecords.com has an instant national criminal background check which consists of 46 US states.  This search includes a national sex offender check and other free criminal background checks made available to the US market as public records.

We now accept PayPal as means of payment for our criminal reports!

PayPal vs. Credit Cards

More and more online buyers are using PayPal as an alternate form of payment for their online orders.  Why?  We have gathered that with rampant use of credit card fraud, online buyers wanted a safer and easier way to order online without exposing their credit card numbers, and of course to save some money by avoiding credit card fees.

What is PayPal?

PayPal lets you easily send money through the internet without compromising the privacy of your credit card information.  CriminalBackgroundRecords.com added PayPal as a new form of payment for its criminal background reports and other background searches it offers because of the demand of millions of online buyers choosing PayPal instead of the standard credit cards when ordering online.  We understand why Internet purchasers are choosing PayPal over alternate forms of payment, mostly credit cards, and that is because PayPal is safer, easier and currently has no additional fees applied to the use of it.  Why is PayPal safer than using standard credit cards?  PayPal is safer because you can still pay with your credit card, bank account or PayPal balance without exposing your account numbers to the merchant (website that you are buying something from).  Easier because through the checkout process you do not need to enter your financial information over the merchant’s website as PayPal already has your financial information on their end and therefore does not require you to re-enter it.  This simple method actually reduces the overall ordering time as you only need to enter your PayPal email address and password, two inputs of usually memorized information.

Paying online with PayPal at CriminalBackgroundRecords.com gives you all the following benefits:

  • Speedy ordering all through the criminal search checkout process.
  • Safe online ordering of criminal background checks without revealing or exposing your credit card details.
  • You get to choose if you want PayPal to debit your credit card, bank account or to pull money directly from your current PayPal balance.

CriminalBackgroundRecords.com delivers formatted, substantive background reports from county level criminal background checks to geographically comprehensive national criminal searches throughout the USA.  We offer criminal background checks in every state in the nation, and now with PayPal as a new payment ordering mechanism on the site; we are making it possible for our current members who prefer to use PayPal as a form of payment to do so.  We have also added PayPal as a form of payment for our criminal history reports in order to allow new users (who may only exclusively use PayPal when ordering online) to have the opportunity to purchase the best criminal background record reports available on the Internet today, with the payment method they trust the most.

CriminalBackgroundRecords.com hopes this article helps its browsers and users become more educated in the varying online payment methods available today, and more informed as to what exactly to expect when using PayPal to purchase criminal background reports from our site.

CriminalBackgroundRecords.com announces new instant services.

CriminalBackgroundRecords.com announces new instant services.

America’s first online, real-time, instant criminal background check service (with no membership requirements) is now available through Information Enterprises, Inc.’s new website: www.CriminalBackgroundRecords.com. This new website was created in response to the growing demand for fast and accurate criminal background searches. Businesses and individuals have doubled the amount of criminal background checks conducted in the U.S. over the past four years. Advances in database technology, lowering costs, and better criminal storage at the state level, and criminal checks being included in the tenant screening industry have contributed to this phenomena. This new site was designed to give all United States citizens fingertip access to criminal background histories anywhere in the country.

To perform a search on this site, all you need is the name and the date of birth of the person you are investigating, and a valid credit card. After you specify which of the thirty-three “instant states” you wish to perform a search in, an instant search immediately sends your search parameters to one of our interconnected repositories before displaying the results to you. You can perform statewide searches in other non-instant search states as well. These searches take only a few days to complete.
You can choose to search within up to thirty-three instant states on www.CriminalBackgroundRecords.com.

The website offers county-level criminal background searches in all fifty US states. This is accomplished with the help of independent court researchers who process paper and electronic records in every county searched. Criminal histories are checked at courthouses, district attorney’s offices, sheriffs’ offices or other places where public records are stored.

The “Instant National Search” covers 33 U.S. states at once. This is the most comprehensive “no wait” criminal background search available today.

The most thorough search the new website offers is the “National Search Plus!” which covers most U.S. states. This search offers the largest coverage of any single search available. It covers all the 33 U.S. states found in our Instant National Search, with a separate 100,000,000 criminal records search with results returned in less than a week.

This has been a CriminalBackgroundRecords.com News Publication – All rights reserved
CriminalBackgroundRecords.com is “An Information Enterprises Solution”